- I should have studied something more practical when I was in college.
- I shouldn't have waited so long to choose a major.
- I should have been more conscientious when I was young.
- I shouldn't have been argumetative with my boss.
- I shouldn't have been completely rebellious when I was a student.
- If I'd been more ambitious in colledge, I could have learned another language.
- If I hadn't wasted so much money last year, I would have my own apartment.
- Id I'd listened my parents, I would have made more pragmatic decisions.
- If I'd been more active , I wouldn't be overweight.
- She must have left already.
- She must not have turned on her cell phone.
- She may/might have forgotten the time.
- She may/might not have remembered the time.
- Her car could have borken down.
- She couldn't have been at home.
- You should have called her on the phone.
- She shouldn't have kept your notes this long.
- You could have been more understanding.
- I wouldn't have lent my notes to her this week before a test.